Transformation It Works
Mental Solutions
The solutions to some of our most complex problems can many times end up being very simple. Those solutions have to be applied persistently and consistently. The thoughts that we have that act as baggage all have a polar opposite. This is very key. Every thought has an opposite that is extremely positive in comparison to the ones that weigh heavily over our lives. After identifying that thought we don’t need we must find a string of words (thoughts) that articulate the exact opposite of that thought and repeat it until it is ingrained within us (subconsciously). It has to become so engrained in us until it becomes a part of the cells of our bodies beyond the mind. Only then will the baggage we carry be lifted from our lives. This will be done by the power of Repetition.
There is a law of polarity that indicates that every thought has a opposite pole. For example: Hate has Love, Fear has Faith, Attachment has Detachment and many more. We are only changing the polarity of the thought which in turn will change various things in our lives all at once. To understand polarity much better we can compare the changing of a thought to the action of a thermometer. Without hesitation the mercury in the thermometer rises and lowers as the temperature in the room changes. This is a Law. As we concentrate on the opposite of negative thoughts, the polarity must change but only through constant repetition. Only then will our mental baggage lift. The power is in our hands. Dissolve the mental baggage you are carrying!