Transformation It Works
The subconscious can be compared to a plot of earth where all kinds of seeds fall. The seeds are individual thoughts, and most of them take root. Positive thoughts helps individuals deal with difficult situations: assuming responsibilities, enjoying life, maintaining the physical and mental well being. Unfortunately, it's not only the positive thoughts that penetrate through to the subconscious. Some are negative, and can become very destructive. Negative thoughts infiltrate individual minds like poison. They can cause nightmares. They can change individual perception of life into somethings gloomy and dark, and make persons prey for depression and anxiety. They also make individuals vulnerable to all kinds of pathegenic agents, since negative thoughts can weaken the individual immune system. And thus persons become ill.
The mind is a powerful organ and works in conjunction to the nervous system. There is truth in saying that the inner conscious can contribute to illness and disease. The actions of the body is influenced by the thoughts in the mind. The body may be willing and able but if the mind is weak, unfocused or reticent, it influences true physical healing. The key to achieving individual physical potential is getting the mind and body to work together. Think of the brain as being divided in half vertically. The left side excels at diagnostic, logical and rational thinking, and problem-solving; it thrives on learning isolated components. The right brain controls activities in which many factors are handled together, including imagination, coordination and execution of movements, as well as intuition and creativity. The left brain examines each single component-- looking for errors, faults, strengths and weaknesses -- in search of ways to develop skills.This part of the brain is responsible for improving form and technique. The right brain then combines all of these individual skills into flowing movements, priming the necessary muscles for the task ahead. It receives the "blueprints" for each movement from the left brain and creatively fine tunes and finesses them into one flowing performance.
This is why as an individual starts to heal emotionally, spirtually, mentally, individuals must also began to exercise in some form to grow physically. The mind and body are a total unit. The mind and body work together to become whole. Each apsect has to be taken into consideration. Special attention to each area must be administered.